Sunday 5 May 2024

Safeworlds TV, I am migrating this site across to my WordPress site:

Hi all, I have decided to move from blogger to my personal blog over at: you will still be able to post comments there if you wish.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Partnering done right

Resellers are ambulance chasers!

They came into the deal after I had already sold the product to the customer and wanted to make money from my hard work, I’m the vendor sale rep, I know what the customer needed and I sold it!

I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve heard words to that effect or worse a partner has lost out financially because the sales rep decided that they would go direct and sell to the customer, the reasons?
  • I would have lost margin?
  • The partner isn’t strategic?
  • The Partner would have recommended another product if I hadn’t gone direct?

There is obviously a difference between a strategic partner and a real ambulance chaser, but in many cases using the “ambulance chaser’ line is simply a way to validate the reasoning behind going direct and removing guilt from the decision.
How many partners are seriously looking to build business on chasing deals? These are one offs and I’d go as far as to say that the deal after an ‘ambulance chase’ would be much more strategic and considered anyway.

What does a good partner do for a customer and a vendor:
  • Firstly they provide suggestions to the customer about what solutions will work for them.
  • A partner is often a strategic resource for a customer, the partner goes beyond a product sale and can provide a broader world view to the customer understanding how a product fits into the end to end solution.
  • Partners have relationships in a customer site that you as a direct rep do not have, they will have insights and contacts that you don’t have. They know people that you don’t know.
  • Partners will be at the customer's site and have the ear of the buyers when they are next looking for a solution to fix a problem
  • Partners often provide the resourcing to implement solutions for end customers as the customer often doesn’t have the expertise to deliver without.

Every time a direct salesperson sells direct over top of partner who was an incumbent at a customer, a small baby cries …... an emotional and piercing scream that wakes new parents up at night!

What does selling a against a partner do for you as a direct sales rep? Firstly it builds a level of mistrust between you and that partner org. Next time you see them and need to use their expertise they are going to be wary, we are human and we don’t forget easily.
Secondly, it may remove the opportunity for a future sell into a customer. You sold product x, customer is now looking for product y and you won’t even know about it.

What does a partner want from a vendor?

  • Clear and concise messaging, they have potentially 10s of vendors they work with. Messages need to be succinct and catchy
  • Partners need to understand what it is that a vendor can do for them? Is it new markets, is it Professional services revenue?, is it licensing?
  • Trust, most importantly being able to trust that a vendor is there for them.

Simple stuff really but extremely complex for some. We all have the desire to make the most from every opportunity but is it really the best choice longer term?

The above is why partner managers exist, we work with both sides of an opportunity to ensure that the outcome is fair for all involved parties, when there are issues we try to ensure that we can resolve the conflict without harm to either business party. We also ensure that our partners have the right solutions available to them to be able to sell. Making sure they have the expertise and ensuring that we can support them when they go and install our vendor solutions.

Thursday 26 May 2016

The Trouble with SharePoint today

The history of SharePoint has brought the corporate world to its latest emergency in the IT data centre.
Firstly, SharePoint sites proliferated because they could be run on a desktop with Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), SharePoint server released in 2001 through to SharePoint 2013/2016 and SharePoint Online (an optional component of Office 365) often without IT oversight and the promise of a ‘free’ platform for collaboration was too attractive to turn away.
I have a saying ‘ Nothing Free is Easy and Nothing Easy is Free’ which holds true here.
The second ‘trouble’ with SharePoint has always been the ‘blank’ canvas approach to what ‘it’ is, e.g. Admin department comes to IT and asks for a document repository? SharePoint can do that? Legal department comes to IT and asks for a search engine for legal files? Sharepoint can do that too?
You get the picture here, Sharepoint can do so much for so many businesses but to get the most out of it requires strong in house SharePoint knowledge and skills which leads into the third problem with SharePoint,......
Third, SharePoint can do so much that its set up and configured for many departments and subsequently doesn’t end up being used for 20-40% of these departments, often because the initial design wasn’t good enough to attract users and so they stayed with their legacy approach etc, file system, email folders etc.
And so this great collaboration platform moves around the organisation penetrating each and every business unit, some parts of the business use it and some won’t.
Some business units will go outside the IT department and build their own SharePoint instance without IT guidance, meaning that the day that the hard drive fails it becomes IT’s problem for not backing up the service, when IT never knew about the problem in the first place! as being in IT means we must have a sixth sense to these ‘islands’ of information outside of IT’s control.
Now we find todays biggest push is to the ‘Cloud’, if you’re well seasoned in IT then you understand that the ‘Cloud’ is not anything new or different to what we had before, but now it has a sexy name! this aside, IT managers are being asked by the Executive for a ‘cloud’ first strategy, ensuring IT again have additional work on their plates to get the company to the cloud as rapidly as possible without additional people or budget.
This is where SharePoint pops up again, IT asks the question ‘how do we migrate our on-premise SharePoint instances to Office 365?, where do we start?’.
Dell Software helps many customers across Australia and New Zealand migrate their SharePoint data to Office 365 or even a modern SharePoint On premise environment and can help your organization complete a SharePoint migration successfully and affordably.
The Dell Software methodology for SharePoint consolidation/migration benefits the organisation by:
  • Reducing infrastructure costs by minimising and removing Legacy hardware
  • Reducing Storage utilisation by removing/archiving unused SharePoint data
  • Reducing the licensing costs of maintaining SQL server, SharePoint server, backup Agents etc
  • Centralising SharePoint infrastructure by removing the legacy organic growth that occurred when SharePoint was initially implemented
  • Minimizing user effort and minimizing end user outages during the migration
The 4 step to consolidating SharePoint with Dell Software:
  • Assess the existing SharePoint sites, farms, servers and understand their usage. Complete assessment will aid your organisation to successfully migrate to Office 365 in a rapid and successful manner.
    • Are discovered SharePoint sites all being used?
    • Which sites are a candidate for archiving and storing offsite
    • Which users and groups have rights to Sharepoint data that shouldn’t?
    • How much data is being stored that isn’t in use?  
    • What web apps run on your SharePoint sites and which will run after migration?
    • What sites have code or other logic that may not be suitable for migration?
  • Migrate the SharePoint sites to the new target.
    • Pre-stage the data migration to test and confirm the resulting SharePoint performance and look/feel
    • Schedule the migration for out of business hours to minimise impact to end users
    • Consolidate Document libraries, lists etc based on best practise and business requirements automatically
    • Remap user permissions if needed
  • Co-existence with the source SharePoint infrastructure during migration
    • Changes made to the internal SharePoint sites should be updated to the target SharePoint sites automatically
    • Switching from the legacy SharePoint infrastructure to the new target should be seamless  
  • Manage the resulting Office 365 tenant
    • Manage SharePoint Online from a central console
    • Manage Office 365 Mailboxes and administer users
    • Management reporting and auditing of the target Office 365 platform.
This methodology is well tested and proven across many 10’s of thousands of successful migrations with Dell Software.
Dell Software is the number 1 migration vendor worldwide, we can ensure your organisation is successful in moving SharePoint On-premise to SharePoint Online.

Safeworlds Patent Publication number WO1998057285 A1

Data processing system for integrated tracking and management of commerce related activities on a public access network 
WO 1998057285 A1
A data processing system manages transaction-related information generated on a network of interconnected public or private access computers, including monitoring purchases and providing referral fee accounting based thereon. The integrated software package establishes a platform for Merchants (40) and Site Owners (20) for managing the negotiation of promotional and commercial contracts, the implementation of resulting promotional and commerical efforts, and final accounting in accordance with pre-established criteria. The present invention thus enables network users (10) to take advantage of a retail sales channel on public or private electronic networks.
My comments:
The above Patent appears to have been lodged in 1998, in 1998 the above platform would have been applicable because as the patent application states there were no systems in place to offer payment processing and transactional security.

Now in 2016 the internet has developed into a huge commerce and retail ecosystem, there were some breakthrough technologies that were founded and productized fast enough to take advantage of the internet. Its also human nature to want choice from vendors and transaction methods.

Payment Processing
Paypal, founded in 1998, in 2000 decided to focus on monetary transactions. Paypal was IPO'd and went public in 2002. Subsequently Paypal was purchased by eBay for US$1.5 billion in July 2002.
In 2015 Paypal had revenues of US$9.24 billion, whats important here is that the period of time from deciding on payment processing to IPO is 2 years. Paypal does the heavy lifting of the financial transactions similar to part of the Patent above.

Fortunately for the public the Paypal transaction process is completely safe and it exists on the World Wide Web.

E commerce

eBay, founded in 1995, first president in 1996 and major growth had commenced by early 1997. In 1997 eBay had its first VC funding round of $6.7 million. In September 1998, eBay went public. The time between inception and IPO is 3 years.
eBay in 2015 has revenues of US$8.59 billion and provides a very significant volume of e commerce sales across the world.

Add to the list Amazon, Alibaba etc and the world has a system that works today very well. Its not to say that a platform like Safeworlds won't succeed but at present how can a platform that is hidden from the masses if they can find the URL, won't even run on Google Chrome (the number one browser world wide) as of the 27/5/2016.

The time required to take a company from inception to IPO is critical to its success, a company must make revenue and have customer growth to successfully IPO. If I'm wrong please leave me a comment and explain.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Safeworlds TV $.010 shares?

Safeworlds TV and Alan Metcalfe

After a hiatus from posting details about this scam, I have had recent information that corroborates my initial concerns around what Alan says he was trying to do. Therefore I have decided that I can not leave this any longer and I will post what I have found out recently.

I have emails from two sources who assure me that Alan Metcalfe is selling shares at $0.10 to select persons where the public is still paying $1.00 per share. 

Email #1:
"Thru a friend of mine who let me know Metcalfe is now selling 10 cent shares to a select few shareholders, whilst still taking money from other investors at $1.
I contacted Alan last week and asked if he was in fact selling shares at 10 cents and could i have an application form. He emailed back and said he was, but it was not a general offer to everyone, hence i still got no application form.
I emailed him again telling him that to not include everyone in the offer and to be still selling shares at $1 at the same time is not only unethical and not morally right but also misleading.
After several emails back and forward he offered me  to purchase 250,000 shares at 10 cents, $25,000 .
Possibly to keep me quiet." 

Email #2:

"The guy I rang last night is still convinced that Alan has the secret of AI and that they are going to make a fortune!! I asked him if he was offered shares at 10 centa a share and his answer was “yes”."

So if you are prepared to buy more shares from in a scam, you can now purchase them for $0.10.

Now, before any investor becomes upset at this blog post around $0.10 shares, Alan Metcalfe still wishes to sell shares at more than a $1.00 to large investors and others who don't know of this secret offer???? 

This is completely unethical, some investors have received equity of Safeworlds IP at 1/10th of others because they are friends with Alan?? let expand that question and ask who has received these sorts of deals in the past? and possibly even better deals?

Saturday 18 October 2014

Critical thinking and Safeworlds TV - Alan Metcalfe

Thanks all for all your comments both positive and negative. I have done what I set out to do, which was to create a discussion in regards to what I believe is a platform at least 6 years too late and with many design and build issues that don't make sense in today's world e.g. For a start No indexing from commercial search engines, how does a small business using Safeworlds TV get discovered without search? Safeworlds own search is worse than bad, select: category, sub category, then select the industry??? .... Then wait 10-15 seconds for results? 
As an example of search and it's use, Google search has indexed my blog with keywords including Safeworlds TV, Alan Metcalfe meaning that investors will now have an opinion from another source when they consult Google. As you are all fully aware in this connected age, indexing is critical as I have proved (do a Google search for Safeworlds TV) and I was one commenter?
I could easily have required comments to be moderated but I did not, I am happy for my own character to be called into question as I am hoping to save the next family from investing their life's savings in a platform that does not exist as described by Alan Metcalfe, I will be doing this by having these blog posts available for all to see and more so your comments both positive and negative give a new investor assistance to forming their own opinion.

I have given Alan the opportunity to have all of this removed, all it requires is Alan to prove the platform, not discuss AI or semantic search. I'd go further and actually buy into a platform that I believe will be the next big thing. I am not going to fund my own flight to the Gold Coast though to do this, I have recommended an alternative which Alan is yet to agree to.

Finally there will be only be one more post as full disclosure of my communications with Alan and my offer continues to stand, prove the platform and commercial viability and the posts come down.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Safeworlds TV, Responses to blog comments

As an update I felt there was enough commenting on one of my SafeWorlds TV blog posts to warrant a brand new update.

In order:

"I think you are naive to think that Alan has invented this system all by himself without a team of talented people behind him - maybe you should ask him about this."

  • I have asked Alan about this and there has never been an answer except that hundreds of people contributed. No names and no details, not even details about the size of the development team? As smart people and investors you are all aware that software does not write itself. This question itself would quickly give an indication of the development effort so far. 

"Metcalfe is the only one who understands how the human mind works so he says. Not much use having that knowledge when he doesn't know how the real world works. He has published some e - books so i guess he is an author. I swam in an olympic size pool once does that make me an olympic swimmer. Long term sufferer, sorry i mean investor of safeworlds tv. Thankyou for the questions you have posed to him. Maybe he can tell you the exact date he will list this company"

  • Alan has several times covered the date of IPO, they include at least 2008 (the GFC stopped this one), 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and finally next year (2015). In a round-about way Alan is saying its coming.

"If Metcalfe was able to figure out AI and the singularity, it wouldn't have stayed so quite for this long. Someone would have leaked it. Ray Kurzweil would have at least heard about it and spoke about it, as well as many others, rather then some guy that bases his findings off of the bible."

  • Not commercializing a technology that will revolutionalise the world as we know it? SafeWorlds TV is a single solution, the revenue possible by licensing what Alan has discovered would earn all of the shareholders many times what will be earnt when IPO occurs and shareholders can deinvest. The A.I behind Safeworlds TV could be licensed today and Shareholders will start making money TODAY.

"I have seen no evidence to suggest that what he says is not true. He and his team have developed and delivered Safe Worlds TV to the point that it does work and is improving its performance on a continual basis. It is more than talk, he has delivered a working product. Our own experience is that Alan cares about and protects the interest of his shareholders. We are kept well-informed and up to date and involved with what is happening. Finally I find it difficult to take seriously, those who blog on such a serious issue as this, anoymously."

  • I do not think that there is no product, there is, its just not what it seems. Until proven otherwise and the only way Alan has thought to challenge my thoughts is through character assassination and that sort of response is often done when one does not have facts to back their claims. 
  • I am not anonymous, you have my full name and you can email me. Please let me know if you can't find how to look at my profile or email? Blogger is a pretty straight forward website to use.
  • DON'T be fooled, the URL Http:// is written in Microsoft SilverLight and would not require more than 3-4 weeks of Development effort. There is no advanced logic behind it. If you don't believe my claims start using the site and tell me how it goes for you? Remember (many of you seem to forget) that YOU are the customer of the product as well not just the shares? how many of you would use the site? honestly?

"If you can convince Mike about this, maybe i would even donate some more money. Why can't any of you just explain it to a guy like Mike and he be able to understand it He seems to have a open mind. He has asked questions and Metcalfe chooses to only give replies wich have nothing to do with the questions. Perhaps i will just wait for the next excuse and the next special offer.
If the "True Believers" are so behind this then have they cashed in everything they own to get this over the line? I think not. Maybe they should get Fair Dinkum instead of just rattling the tin.. Keep The Faith"  

  • The fact of the matter is I want to understand how this SafeWorlds IPTV platform can be what Alan Metcalfe claims, I do not believe the platform is anything more than a poorly written Informercial Website that doesn't work on Mobile devices like iPads and Android tablets, which make up a significant portion of connected devices across the global market today, something over 30% of connected devices. 
  • And correct Alan Metcalfe has not answered many questions directly and no questions related to what SafeWorlds TV actually does. Worse still the latest videos here: are scare mongering video clips that again have no relationship to the product. In addition I hope the Alan Metcalte obtained any copyrights required to play clips from the movie 'The Terminator' to describe what SafeWorlds IPTV is going to prevent. 

 "Why dont Lindsay and the believers buy all the shares of us now non believers
Me mates and me are willing to give them a dicounted rate of $4.80 a share, that is a 0.20 discount to current price
There is no other way to get out so how about they work out a way to buy us all out
Might even give him say 10 percent discount if he gets the other believerd to buy some of us"

  • There must be an opportunity for an investor to come in and buy shares from disgruntled Shareholders at $4 and make a killing. It is also interesting that in the latest share offering $1 million needs to be raised to keep the company afloat. Alan Metcalfe has the Intellectual Property behind 'Artificial Intelligence' and 'Universal Logic', these are two ultimately licensable technologies that will make Investors much more money than they could dream of. Alan must license these technologies to the market to maintain shareholder value and confidence.
  • AND, this will not be the final money asked for, there is at least another round for the IPO.

"liked the fact that you were willing to give SWTV some exposure but really, must you be so negative.

If you were posting personal emails, and very negative comments about my company, i would more than stop replying to your emails.

Now thats said, stop getting on to every media forum and bagging out this company. negative comments with little informed infomation is very damaging to us all as investors.

example - Ausie stock forum -MichaelBNZ - looks like you just keep on cut and pasting the same uninformed info???? "

  • Yes that was me, but, I was not the first to say anything about SafeWorlds on Aussie Stock Forum, I simply added to it. Negative comments have come about because Alan MetCalfe has not answered questions that are related to the platform. This whole issue is very easily solved, prove to me that there is something behind the website and I will be the most positive promoter you have ever seen. I guarantee it, I will purchase a stake in the technology if the platform is proven to me beyond reasonable doubt, I'm not an idiot I would buy into any technology that makes sense and will earn me a good return.
  • Finally, until the platform is proven I am NOT harming you as ShareHolders. I am preventing additional investors from making a truly disastrous mistake. After all what incentive do you have to be circumspect about where you are now? you want your money back so Alan asking for more to prevent the doors being 'shut' is in your interests more than being rational and stepping back from a very risky situation, not early Google risky but a whole extra level akin to 'Nigerian Scam emails'.

Didn't even need to answer this one (the commenter does a great job) .....

"These virtual objects are easy to secure because they are all structured the same way, according to the same standard. Security applied this way is also very strong, because, even though a hacker may somehow penetrate one bubble, this does not mean that he will be able to penetrate other secure bubbles within the system."

We provide uniform compartments which are somehow not all subject to the same vulnerabilities! 

"Safe Worlds already has semantic search. It will take a couple of years however before sufficient data is available in semantic form, for Safe Worlds semantic search to be competitive with Web-based search engines like Google and Yahoo."

It'll be amazing! And we have a totally legitimate reason not to have anything set up that can demonstrate it!

This is pure snake oil, and it deserves a better fisking than I have time for right now.

 "I really do believe in it but do we have a board of directors or is it just one guy at the top who controls it all. 
If we go down the wrong road who pulls us up and points us in the right direction?
I have looked at the other forum that the above poster mentioned and from what i see all the other stocks have good and bad posts by people who hold the shares.
No doubt negative press is not good but freedom of speach is how we keep people and company's honest.
This is a major point of safeworlds and why i invested.
I wish Alan all the best and the team and hope sooner rather than later we can get our money back.
We all need to be accountable"

  • This is all I'm asking is for accountability, if there is a product then Alan can show it and why is it that 'only' Alan can show it? Who else is behind the company? Who is on the board and what are their qualifications? look at any non IPO company and the list of directors will be impressive...... Who is on the Board other than Alan Metcalfe?

"The longer it goes on the more chance there is of something happening to Mr Metcalfe. Heaven forbid that is the case but he is not getting any younger.I do applaude Mike for raising questions to Alan- it seems that Mike only has his friends interests at heart.He seems reasonable in his questions and would also like to see some more direct answers to them.Yes i do hold shares in this and would love to see them listed.There are so many questions i have and surely some definate dates for listing should now be able to be given.Sometimes in sport a coach may not have the right players.Sometimes the team is right but not the coach.Sometimes throwing money at things fixs them.Sometimes throwing endless money at something will not fix the problem."

  • Exactly my view, I have many family members who have brought into this and I do not see how they can ever get their money back out. What I don't want to have happen is more people put money into a platform that can never be successful!. As in my above response, Alan Metcalfe is the only name related to SafeWorlds TV, he may not be the right person to drive this alone, often experts are required and Alan for all his expertise IS NOT an expert in everything. 

"I think you will have some fun with the latest up date from the captain. More bullshit comparing safeworlds with alibaba, google blah blah blah.....I cant believe anyone still believes this guy.........Sounded good til the story got changed 20 times and the dates of ipo get pushed back year after year......and the excuses....YAWN
I am happy to be proven wrong but me thinks not.......smells like a fraud, quacks like a fraud, feels like a fraud.....well then most likely it is a fraud."

  • Feel free to send me the latest emails and I will comment, I agree you are mostly right. Alan compares what other activity is occurring on the WWW and refers to famous people in his qualification of SafeWorlds, I believe this is all Alan has to placate people. I can't comment on whether I believe its a fraud or not, what I have seen though is the people who did invest tend to not be those people that understand technology and Alan has fed information that is scaremongering and just plain incorrect, just like his continued use of  'universal logic' as a phrase commonly used in I.T. - this is plain wrong and completely untrue:

The Solution

You as Shareholders can get your money out and make more than you have ever considered possible, if Alan Metcalfe licenses the Technologies he has developed. This is FACT you WILL make many times the initial $5 per share investment.

As Share Holders you can ask for the board of directors names and details, this will go a long way to easing your worries as you will understand the capabilities to deliver of the leaders. These will be people with current e-commerce, IPTV and developing businesses to IPO stage (I believe this is why Alan lists these as his expertise on his profile, which for an e-commerce entrepreneur hasn't been updated in over 11 years ), but this task of taking a startup to IPO status is not going to happen with a single person.   

Finally think about what you as a user would expect from a secure online shopping experience and start feeding that back to Alan, I wouldn't use the Web site (without any judgement, I have tried to work it out and its messy, ugly and does not follow web design best practise), would you use it??